About Us

We love creativity in all its forms.

Our passion for art and design bring are at the heart of what we do. We're a small dedicated group of creative minds, graphic designers and business enthusiasts, who are committed to living life to the fullest. We make things because we love making things and we want to continuously build our skills and improve the quality of what we make. Whether it is a t-shirt, a poster or an exhibition, we take joy in designing beautiful experiences to share with you.  We invite you to share in that joy and join us in this amazing journey.


We live here.

We have a smple saying, produce locally, live globally. Based just outside Seattle, we are deeply commited to investing in our local communities. We strive to create positive impact  where we live and work. We rely as much as possible on local resources and try to source materials and supplies from within the United States.  We believe this will help create jobs and opportunities, and help the community around us flourish.


It's about people.

See the person first is one of our core values. No one has become successful by themselves. Success always requires a team of people working together to solve problems and add value. From customers to employees to partnerships, people are our top priority. We honor every relationship we have.


Share the journey.

Building a business is hard work. Learning is making mistakes along the way. . It takes people working together and learning how to solve problems. Our goal is to be transparent and share the journey. We know we are going to make mistakes and we hope you can learn from them as much as we do.


We are in this for the long run.

 This is not a get rich quick scheme or a side hustle. This is our passion. We strive to make beautiful things that add value to your life. We know that we need to take care of the business in order for it to thrive. We also know that good things take time and long term relationships are built on trust. 


Our Values

  • Deliver a superior customer experience
    • Your decision to buy one of our products or visit one of our exhibits is the highest compliment you can give us. We want to make that experience the best it can be.
  • Be authentic and kind
    • Be truthful without causing harm. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. We live to uplift others.
  • Commit
    • Before there can be a business, before there is a team, the persuit of excellence begins in each individual. Commit to yourself and be the best person you can be, every moment of every day. 
  • There is no failure, only leanring.
    • Everyone is going to make mistakes. This is how we learn.
  • Continuous effort and improvement
    • Everyday is an opportunity to take what we have learned and apply to making our business better.
  • Work Together
    • There is no business without people. Collaboration is key to our success. 
  • Be ethical
    • Our brand is based on trust. We hold ourselves to a higher standard. We believe that this is the way business should be done. 
  • Postive Impact
    • We are commited to using our business activity to create positive impact in the lives of our customers, workers and community.
  • Laugh a lot and enjoy the journey
    • We are here to do good work and have a good time. We are doing what we love and persuing our dream of making something great. This is the joy of  authentic work.